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crack破解安装包Marshall Day Acoustics INSUL 9.0.22 Multilingual

发表于 2020-5-20 12:42:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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With extensive drop down menus to select materials, and simple choices for construction details you can quickly evaluate different constructions. INSUL shows a picture of your construction and a graph of the 1/3 octave TLs.

Technical information
Development on INSUL started more than 15 years ago, based on research in the USA by Ben Sharp and others. It has gradually developed into a unique tool that incorporates the best of many research papers published over the last 15 to 20 years.
INSUL can be customised for particular materials (for instance a particular manufacturer's plasterboard).
Predict transmission loss, impact sound, and rain noise
INSUL is a program for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, roofs, ceilings and windows. Impact sound and rain noise of floors and roof. The programme can make good estimates of the Transmission Loss (TL) or Impact Sound (Ln) in 1/3 octave bands and Weighted Sound Reduction Index (STC or Rw) or Impact Rating (IIC/LnTw) for use in noise transfer calculations or acoustical design or specification.
Evaluate material or design changes
INSUL can be used to quickly evaluate new materials and systems, or to investigate the effects of changes to existing designs. It models materials using well known elastic plate theory including allowances for thick panel effects as published by Ljunggren, Rindell and others. More complex partitions are modelled using work by Sharp, Cremer and others.
Constantly evolving
INSUL has been available for over 15 years, and has undergone considerable improvements over this time. It has evolved over many releases and into a very easy to use tool that takes advantage of the Windows and Mac environments, and has been refined by continued comparison with laboratory tests to provide acceptable accuracy for a wide range of constructions.
Test data can be entered for easy comparison with predictions and constructions can be saved for later recall.
INSUL takes account of finite size effects which are very important when predicting small samples such as windows and also for normal elements at low frequencies.
Like any prediction tool INSUL is not a substitute for measurement. However, comparisons with test data indicate that INSUL reliably predicts STC values to within 3dB for most constructions.
INSUL will greatly enhance the ability of acoustic consultants and product manufacturers to quickly and confidently specify constructions in order to achieve a desired airborne sound insulation.

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