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crack破解安装包PDQ Deploy 19.0.40 Enterprise

发表于 2020-5-7 16:42:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一款功能强大的软件部署工具,它允许系统管理员将几乎任何应用程序或补丁同时安装到多台Windows计算机上。 PDQ部署节省时间和精力,使管理员能够轻松地在网络上安装,卸载,更新,修复或进行许多其他类型的更改,而无需远程登录或实际步行到每台计算机。 使用PDQ部署,管理员可以创建自定义软件包并将其部署到网络中的任意一台计算机上。

File Size: 62.8 MB
PDQ Deploy is a software deployment tool used to keep Windows PCs up-to-date without leaving your chair or bothering end users.

Deploy Almost Anything
Silently deploy almost any Windows patch or application (.exe, .msi) to multiple Windows PCs simultaneously. Deployments can install, uninstall, execute scripts, reboot, copy files, sleep, send messages, etc. Instructions and files are sent to the target computer, executed, monitored, and reported.
Set it ‘n Forget it
Never miss a critical patch again! Common applications (including Windows Monthly rollups) can download automatically and deploy on your schedule or even when offline targets come online when integrated with PDQ Inventory. Rest assured your patch updates are going out even when you are not in the office. Isn’t it time for that much-needed vacation?
Easily Execute Scripts
Run and deploy common scripts like .vbs, .reg, .bat, and .ps1. Execute from a file, or write them on the fly. The possibilities are almost endless. PDQ also has many resources for PowerShell, too. Start honing those scripting skills.
Ready-to-Deploy Applications
We maintain a library of over 175 ready-to-deploy popular applications so you don’t have to. When a new version of an application is released, PDQ updates and tests them and makes them available as soon as possible. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
Email Notifications
Wouldn’t it be nice to glance at the inbox on your phone and see that deployment or schedule was successful? You won’t even have to put down that drink or game controller. PDQ Deploy is the assistance you always wanted!
Multi-Admin Access With a Shared Database
Share deployments, schedules, lists, and even preferences between PDQ Deploy consoles by creating a server/client relationship. Processes are initiated via either the console or Command Line Interface (CLI) but use the Server’s database. Why do all the work twice?

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