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crack破解安装包Coolutils Total WebMail Converter Multilingual

发表于 2020-5-7 13:54:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Coolutils Total Mail Converter 是一款功能强大简单实用的工具,它可以将Outlook电子邮件文件(.msg,.eml)转换为HTM, TXT, PDF, DOC, RTF格式。它还支持批量转换。

File size: 23.5 MB
Total Webmail Converter receives emails directly from your POP3 account and converts them to PDF, HTML, DOC, TXT, TIFF, JPEG and RTF. Convert emails directly from Gmail, Yahoo, and Windows Live without having to export them first!

The program is so easy to use, all you need to do is enter your account information and the program automatically locates your messages. Additionally, the Total Webmail Converter converts emails with attachments. Loaded with customization options, you'll also be able to:
• Convert several emails in a single pass and keep organized with new names.
• Combine multiple emails into one PDF, TIFF, DOC, HTML, TXT or JPEG file.
• Generate a report about your emails in PDF, TXT, HTML, CSV, XLS formats.
• The Pro version can also convert attachments!
• Add headers and footers to the output file, including page number, date or any other customized text (i.e. stamp bates).

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