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crack破解版激活安装包Appsforlife Boxshot Ultimate 5.0.8 MacOS

发表于 2020-4-12 02:05:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Languages: English | File Size: 157.4 MB
Realistic 3D Mockups Made Easy. Boxshot features 50+ customizable shapes and renders them so realistically that customers may think they are seeing a photo of the actual product. Boxshot features a large selection of customizable shapes: software boxes; hardbound and paperback books; magazines; CD, DVD, and Blu-ray boxes; cards, cans, mugs; bags; and much more. Almost all the shapes are customizable so you can adjust them for your design.

50+ customizable shapes
Boxshot features a large selection of customizable shapes: software boxes; hardbound and paperback books; magazines; CD, DVD, and Blu-ray boxes; cards, cans, mugs; bags; and much more. Almost all the shapes are customizable so you can adjust them for your design. If you need more shapes, just load them! Boxshot supports loading FBX, 3DS, and Collada (DAE) files to use in scenes. Boxshot can resize shapes according to your graphics. You don't need to adjust your images for our shapes—Boxshot adjusts the shapes for you!

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