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crack破解安装包SolidAngle Cinema 4D to Arnold v2.6.0 R18 – R20 Win/Mac

发表于 2020-4-11 21:42:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
SolidAngle Cinema 4D to Arnold v2.6.0 R18 – R20
Arnold for Cinema 4D (or C4DtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Cinema 4D interface.
C4DtoA is now shipping with the latest Arnold 5.0 core.
Seamless integration with C4D: objects (instances, cloners, deformers, generators), MoGraph geometry, hair and splines.
Support for both native particles and Thinking Particles.
The fastest interactive rendering (IPR) of all Arnold plugins, allows parameter changes to be rapidly previewed without interrupting your work.
Arnold Shading Network Editor, a node-based material editor.
A comprehensive list of shaders and utilities, including vertex maps and per-face materials.
Volume rendering with OpenVDB.
Deferred, render time generation of geometry with the Arnold procedural node.
Native linear workflow.
Team Render, including single-frame distributed rendering.
Support for third party plugins like X-Particles and Turbulence FD.

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