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crack破解安装包MetaMovie 2.4.3 Bilingual MacOSX

发表于 2020-4-9 14:28:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MetaMovie 完善 iTunes 电影资料库所有资料: 行动者、 发行日期、 董事、 概述、 甚至海报艺术,电影的名称,只是搜索,然后一次单击将带到电影的所有信息。

MetaMovie 2.x Bilingual Retail | MacOSX | 1.8 Mb
If you build you own movie library in iTunes, then you want it to look perfect. Imagine having all of the information about a movie at hand - actors, release date, directors, overview etc. And of course you want nice looking cover arts for your library. MetaMovie brings all this to your movies. Just drop your movie files on the movie list, start the search and then you need but one click to bring all the Information to your movies. The tagged movies look great in iTunes and on your Apple TV. MetaMovie supports the iTunes friendly .mp4 and .m4v file formats.

What's New :

- automatic file renaming in working directory
- added field list to preferences for fields, that should never be overwritten
- added option to cut prefixes and postfixes from filenames to retrieve movie titles

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链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Vngg3NotHyyTHTRivquH5w 提取码: vxnp

Download 百度网盘
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K-7iR_yhIF4UepTZp5aicw&shfl=shareset 提取码: 42tg


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