Photomatix是一款能够调节图片曝光度和通过多个曝光源生成HDRI-High Dynamic Range Image高动态范围图像。它能把多个不同曝光的照片混合成一张照片,并保持高光和阴影区的细节。打开在同一场景拍摄的不同曝光度的照片,选择一个曝光混合方法,Photomatix Pro能让你在6种联合模式中选择:平均+5种曝光混合方法,每个方法都基于不同的算法。 Photomatix用来处理同一场景下不同曝光设置的照片。这些照片称为包围曝光照片,许多型号的相机都有自动包围曝光功能。 但并非一定需要多张照片才能使用Photomatix。色调映射工具(Tone Mapping tool)也能用于48位TIFF文件,同样适用于48位压缩工具(Compression tool)。 另一技巧是使用从RAW文件解压出来的不同曝光度的照片。这对于合并菜单下的曝光混合方式来说,特别是对自动高光和阴影(Highlight & Shadows - Auto)这一方式,处理的效果非常好。当然,从RAW文件能够获得的动态范围是有限的,所以对于有明亮窗户的室内景这样的挑战性场景,效果并不是很好。同时,必须指出的是,这样的处理不适合于生成HDR图像。 Photomatix提供两种处理方式,把两张或更多张不同曝光的照片形成一张更大动态范围的照片。一种称作曝光混合(Exposure Blending),通过“合并”菜单(combine)来进行。另一个叫HDR色调映射(HDR Tone Mapping),通过“HDRI”菜单来进行。 曝光混合是最容易理解的了。它将不同曝光的照片进行合并,将它们合并成一张高光和阴影都呈现细节的照片。 HDR色调映射处理包含两步:第一步是把不同曝光的照片生成一幅HDR图像;第二步是将生成的HDR图像进行色调映射。第二步对呈现HDR图像的高光和阴影的细节至关重要。
File size: 24 MB Photomatix Pro merges photographs taken at varying exposure levels into a single HDR image that reveals both highlight and shadow details, with options for automatically aligning hand-held photographs, removing ghosts, and reducing noise and chromatic aberrations. Merged images can then be adjusted by a range of options and settings to get the look that users want -- from natural-looking results using exposure fusion to painterly, surreal or ultra-realistic images using the tone mapping mode.
- Merge to HDR, Tone Mapping and Exposure Fusion
- Automatic Alignment of hand-held photos
- Automatic Ghost Removal and Selective Deghosting tool
- Options for real estate photography
- Automation with Batch Processing Benefits for professional photographers:
- Saving on lighting equipment. No need to acquire expensive lighting equipment -and carry it- when you shoot high contrast scenes. Just enable the Auto Exposure Bracketing feature of your camera, and let Photomatix merge your photos into an image with extended dynamic range.
- Great pictures on cloudy days. Shadowless hazy sunlight or an overcast sky usually results in dull-looking photographs. The tone mapping tool of Photomatix can turn them into great-looking images. Check out this image as an example.
- Saving time in post-processing. Photomatix Pro is designed for productivity — automatic blending, unlimited stacking, easy comparison of results and batch processing save hours of masking and layers work in image editing programs.
- Well exposed panoramas. A panoramic scene is almost always a high contrast scene — you can’t limit your view to areas with the same brightness when shooting a 360° panorama. By taking views under several exposures and processing them in Photomatix Pro, you can create a panorama that will show details in both the dark and bright areas of the scene. Photomatix Pro offers both exposure fusion (also known as exposure blending) and HDR tone mapping.