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crack破解安装包10-Strike LANState Pro 9.31

发表于 2020-3-27 17:02:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一款虚拟网络管理器软件,允许你为你的网络创建一个交互式的地图以及实时监视所有连接设备的使用情况. LANState 监视共享资源,通讯并且通知你各种不同的事件.此外,你可以发送信息,关闭远程计算机,回顾系统信息,以及允许包括 ping 和路由跟踪命令在内的网络工具.其他功能包括一个网络传输监视器,以及导出为 BMP 或者 XML 的配置。

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All network administrators like to informed at all times about the status of the devices they are in charge with, so rather than walking to each of them to check them up, they can rely on a dedicated software solution that can centralize all the information. Such an application is 10-Strike LANState.

Considering that efficiently using this utility means scanning the network according to the settings specified by users, they need to have some previous knowledge of networking otherwise they might not get access to all the devices they were looking for.
10-Strike LANState comes with a sample file that can help users get accustomed to the ways used by the app for mapping devices and they can also get an idea regarding the correct method of mapping them.
When they want to create a new map from scratch, users can either import individual hosts or they can scan an IP range and import all the detected devices, be they workstations, printers, routers, servers, laptops, firewalls, switches, access points and so on. Once mapped, users can easily check their status by regularly pinging them.
If the generated map does not come with a correct layout (depending on their existing network settings), users can manually add lines and areas, so as to organize their devices more efficiently.
In addition, users can also explore a wide range of information about the monitored device - for example, in the case of workstations, the application can display the IP address, the DNS name and MAC address, the running OS, current date and time, as well as uptime or even Ethernet card vendor.
Admins can also perform other tasks on the mapped devices, including sending them messages, running traceroute or name lookup, remotely shutting them down or creating detailed reports that can be analyzed at a later time.

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