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【安装包破解激活】Geomagic Freeform (Plus) 2019.0.61

发表于 2019-1-8 22:06:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Geomagic ® Freeform®和Geomagic Freeform Plus采用业界最全面的3D有机工程工具,并结合触觉式雕刻系统,曲面创建、设计意图建模、3D扫描处理、与CAD互操作性以及模具制造等功能,助力您解决复杂的设计和制造挑战。
Geomagic Freeform和Freeform Plus是业界领先的精密3D设计与雕刻软件平台,突破传统CAD设计的局限性,将您的创想变为现实。Geomagic Freeform提供全面的设计与雕刻工具箱,您可以使用几何纹理浮雕工具、直观的网格和结构创建工具等雕刻、细化并改变虚拟粘土模型成为您想要的样子。Geomagic Freeform Plus采用丰富的工具箱到先进的工业设计中,这些工具包括转换为NURBS表面处理、型腔模具和五金模具设计、去壳、拔模角分析和分模线等功能。
Geomagic Freeform的起点建立在传统的CAD系统之上。现在您可以以前所未有的方式进行设计,基于原始设计或已有的3D数据创建精美的雕塑式设计。
通过把有机形式与工程形式相结合,去除几何设计的局限性。模型与导入的CAD模型及扫描的 数据精确吻合,并布尔出成品。使用革新的3D结构和几何纹理浮雕工具提高您设计作品的光洁度。
Geomagic Freeform的综合结构FX工具箱能为漂亮的轻量化的设计产品创建复杂的定制化内外部网格结构。高级三角网格工具允许创建功能性三角网格,如定制化的医疗植入物应用。
Geomagic Freeform填补了传统CAD不可能完成的部分。您现在可以实现前所未有的设计 - 美丽的雕刻、具体的细节 - 且仍然能与您既有的工作流程相结合。使用Freeform后您可以充分发挥想象力,您的设计将完全不受限制。
Geomagic Freeform Plus的特殊功能让您能在设计过程中识别并解决潜在的制造问题。你可以保留艺术性的操控同时避免意外和错误。Freeform数模可用于3D打印或模具制造流程。
Geomagic Freeform拥有在同一设计环境中处理体素、多边形、细分曲面、NURBS和曲面的能力。让您可以在工作中使用正确的方法、给您更多的选择、难以置信的快速灵活的工作流程。Freeform强大的文件导入和导出格式让您可以轻松地把雕塑设计与传统CAD模型相结合。
您可以通过“Geomagic设计师软件包”利用好CAD和Freeform设计、其包含Geomagic Design全功能机械CAD软件和Geomagic Freeform软件。设计完整的组件、进行运动仿真、生成优质效果图并输出完整的工程图。
Geomagic Freeform Plus的特殊功能让您能在设计过程中识别并解决潜在的制造问题。你可以保留艺术性的操控同时避免意外和错误。Freeform数模可用于3D打印或模具制造流程。

Geomagic Freeform (Plus) 2019.0.61 | 2.1 Gb

3D Systems, the originator of 3D printing, is pleased to announce the availability of Geomagic Freeform 2019. Last release includes new functionality that simplifies the process of designing, automates repetitive modelling tasks to increase productivity, and delivers more consistent results.
Software: Geomagic Freeform and Freeform Plus Version: 2019.0
What’s New in 2019.0 - Release Date: September 2018
- Dynabot Automation ‡
- Suite of New Consolidated Hybrid Construction Tools ‡
- Interactive Guided Workflow Palette.
- UI Enhancements.
. Palette Customization and UI Enhancement
. Spacebar Favorites List Enhancements.
. Mouse-Wheel Scroll for Palette Stack.
- Tool Enhancements.
. Pattern Piece UI Enhancement.
. Additional Pattern Piece Enhancements.
. Axis Marker.
. Autosurfacer: Support to Define Curve-bound Regions and Boundary Continuity ‡
. Color Management.
. New Boolean Color Management Options.
. Paint Tool Enhancements.
. Artec Scanning.
About Geomagic Freeform 2019. Geomagic Freeform offers a comprehensive design and sculpting toolset to sculpt, detail and deform virtual clay models into any form through the incorporation of a haptic device. The latest release of Geomagic Freeform includes new functionality that simplifies the process of designing, automates repetitive modelling tasks to increase productivity, and delivers more consistent results. Geomagic Freeform 2019 includes Dynabot which provides advanced record and playback macro capability to significantly speed repetitive customization and production workflows. With Dynabot, users can apply logic to recorded sequences, edit parameters, and insert user prompts and instructions. This complete set of automation capability helps increase speed of production workflows, and allows customers to onboard new production design processes much faster. The new release also includes tools for simplifying and customizing the user interface for improved functionality and efficiency.
About 3D Systems. 3D Systems is the originator of 3D printing and an innovator of future 3D solutions. It has spent its 30-year history enabling professionals and companies to optimize their designs, transform their workflows, bring groundbreaking products to market and drive new business models. This is achieved with the Company's best of breed digital manufacturing ecosystem. It's comprised of plastic and metal 3D printers, print materials, on demand manufacturing services and end-to-end manufacturing software solutions. Combinations of these products and services address a variety of advanced applications- ranging from Aerospace, Automotive, and Consumer Goods to Medical, Dental, and Jewelry. For example, 3D Systems' precision healthcare capabilities include simulation, Virtual Surgical Planning, and printing of medical and dental devices as well as patient-specific surgical instruments.


Product: Geomagic Freeform (Plus)
Version: 2019.0.61
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.3dsystems.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 2.1 Gb

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