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crack破解安装包WebSite-Watcher 2020 v20.3 Business Edition Multilangual

发表于 2020-3-27 10:45:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

File Size: 103.2 MB
WebSite-Watcher is a powerful yet simple website monitoring tool. It automatically checks web pages for updates and changes. Automate your daily routine, boost your productivity!

WebSite-Watcher is a comprehensive application that enables users to organize a list of favorite websites and track all changes. It can also be installed on USB flask drives for portability.
Although not particularly intuitive, the interface is user-friendly and lets you organize multiple bookmarks into lists. When adding a new website, whether it requires login credentials or not, you can specify the type between webpage, forum, and RSS/Atom-feed. Alternatively, you can use predefined plugins to check a page.
As far as bookmark properties go, you can edit the name and URL, insert an alternative URL for checking, import properties from another bookmark, as well as use a filter assistant or test filters yourself by comparing the current and previous version (with HTML tag highlights).
In addition, you can create a list of keywords to highlight in the page, enable auto-watch, set alerts on initialization, changes and/or errors, choose the method for checking web pages (e.g. screenshot), as well as run additional actions when an update is detected (e.g. play sound, open page, send email, run program, mark as read).
Advanced users may configure time settings, the highlight method and plugins, merge pages, follow links, ignore updates through a whitelist or blacklist, and more.
The bookmark file may be protected with a password. It is possible to optimize or repair the database, or re-create it from cache, minimize WebSite-Watcher to the system tray area, create news groups, locate duplicate bookmarks, import and export bookmarks (e.g. ZIP, CSV), synchronize two items, use a backup and restore service, as well as edit scripts, to name just a few.
WebSite-Watcher supports multiple languages and hotkeys that can be reconfigured. It has a good refresh rate and performs smoothly, without causing any issues to the OS. To sum it up, WebSite-Watcher supplies users with a wide array of features and settings for monitoring their favorite websites with ease.

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