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crack破解安装包Qbserve 1.86 MacOSX

发表于 2020-3-25 22:11:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Qbserve Mac版是一款 Mac 上的私人时间自动追踪工具,Qbserve Mac版能够检测出你在日常的 Mac 使用过程中,花在各个活动、Apps 上的时间。帮助用户及时了解自己的 Mac 使用情况,帮助调整并合理安排时间。

Qbserve 1.x | MacOSX | 4 MB
Qbserve is an automatic private time tracker that helps improve your productivity. It gives you instant answers about the way you spend your time by intelligently observing active apps. All the tracked information is stored privately on your machine.
Qbserve knows productivity rates for thousands of sites and apps and has a unique ability to differentiate between chats in Skype, Slack, and Telegram, YouTube videos, and subreddits. You can also set alerts to notify you when you are reaching your goals or spending too much time on distractions.
- automatic recognition of apps and popular websites opened in Chrome, Safari, and Opera browsers
- separate productivity of Slack teams, chats in Skype, Telegram; YouTube videos, Reddit.com subreddits; different windows inside one application
- show application windows as standalone activities
- view all logged windows for each application record
- ignore any application, website, window, etc.
- enable dynamic dock icon and/or menu bar item status
- search activities with filters by name, productivity, category, application or time period
- edit uncategorized activities that weren’t recognized by Qbserve
- set idle time limit and turn it off for some categories like "Videos"
- view detailed chart with productivity meters for any period within a year
- get feedback on how productivity changes compared to previous days, weeks, months
- pause and resume tracking
- track only selected weekdays or time periods
- shift the day starting time in case you are a night owl
OS - MacOSX 10.7 or Later
Home Page - https://qotoqot.com/qbserve/

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