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crack破解安装包SpamSieve 2.9.39 MacOS

发表于 2020-3-25 20:08:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mac OS X平台上异常强大的垃圾邮件过滤软件,兼容Apple Mail, Emailer, Entourage, Endora, GyazMail, Mailsmith, Outlook Express, Powermail等一系列电子邮件客户端。
SpamSieve 给mac平台的邮件客户端带来的强大的Bayesian邮件过滤功能,让你回到干净的收件箱。它可以在你的邮件客户端里面直接使用SpamSieve,非 常地快速和容易控制。你还可以自己定制邮件的分拣规则--其它的一些邮件过滤器使用时间越长工作效率越差,因为它们只会适应自身的分拣规则;而 SpamSieve根据统计学原理分析你所接收到的邮件,使用时间越长工作效率越高,它能够阻止几乎所有的垃圾邮件,还你一个干净的收件箱。

SpamSieve 2.x | Mac Os X | 11 MB
SpamSieve is a powerful, popular spam-filtering app that can help you greatly reduce unwanted e-mails in Mail, Entourage, MailForge, Outlook 2011, and other e-mail clients. Because SpamSieve uses Bayesian filtering (a process that looks at the statistical probability of every word in an e-mail) and you train it using your own e-mail, the app actually becomes more effective over time. It learns not just how to better identify ever-changing spam but also how to zero in on the peculiarities of your own legitimate e-mail (whether that's using the names of your family members or your friends' frequent and obscure references to the "Halo" backstory).
Requires: Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, or 10.9
Recommended: IMAP/Exchange mail account (for iPhone/iPad spam filtering).

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链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_4sJyrGdaCrVQ37Oc3vqSQ 提取码: jerf


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