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crack破解安装包InPixio Photo Eraser 10.0.7382.27986 Multilingual

发表于 2020-3-25 19:05:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Languages: Multilingual | File Size: 49.14 MB
Tired of taking pictures with all those unwanted background images? Have you ever wanted to just get rid of that sign behind your or those people walking by? Well now you can erase anything in your picture that you don’t want there with Photo Eraser for PC. All you need to do is decide which image you want to erase, select it, and click! If there are any slight marks left behind, use the clone tool to blend the colours back in for smooth, seamless appearance. No one will ever know you erased anything and you will have that perfect picture you were trying to capture in the first place.

Remove unwanted elements like magic!
So often we spend too much time trying to get that ultimate family photo. Or, we want to take the most spectacular pictures from our trip to show our friends. It seems almost impossible to get exactly what we want out of our pictures and we end up having to just settle for what we take. With Photo Eraser for PC there is no need to worry anymore about background images ruining our photos and waiting and waiting for people to pass so we can get only our family in the picture and not a bunch of strangers. You can now easily erase things like people, signs, wires, shadows, and numbers or dates.
Don’t lose the magic in your photos
Don’t let people roaming in the background of your shots spoil your vacation photos. Erase them easily and maintain a natural look in the backgrounds of your images.
Once in a lifetime moment
Its difficult enough to capture that special moment let alone have an unwanted object in the shot. Don’t let it happen, quickly remove the object with just a few clicks.
Ordinary into extraordinary
Take an existing photo and erase objects that take away from the mood of the occasion. Sometimes even the smallest changes can enhance the beauty of a landscape or romantic setting.
The perfect shot
No need to worry about waiting for that perfect picture in a tourist hotspot during your vacation. Just quickly take your picture, and then take out all the other tourists when you get home using Photo Eraser.
Pixel by pixel
Photo Eraser erases the unwanted object and restores your picture pixel by pixel.
Everyday objects
Completely remove unwanted objects from your picture. Things like, signs, wires, people, or any image that distracts you from what you are trying to capture are gone.
A natural look
The technical features of Photo Eraser automatically identify the sections of an image that need to be filled in and make your new photo look natural and seamless.
No need to be exact
Take the hassle out of trying to carefully cut out images that take time and concentration. Other image processing programs require you to be exact and it can be quite noticeable that you have altered your picture in some way.Release Notes:System Requirements:
- Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
- 1 GHz Intel® Pentium® processor or equivalent
- 1 GB RAM CD/DVD ROM drive
- 100 MB hard disk space, mouse and keyboard


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