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crack破解安装包Comic Life 3.5.15 MacOsX

发表于 2020-3-24 21:57:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Comic Life是一个相当有意思的应用程序,你可以通过它以你的照片为素材制作漫画。
Comic Life提供了许多独具风格的图形,表格和文字字体让人联想到一些优秀的动画片和漫画,相信其中一定有适合你的口味的东东。过滤器也让我蛮喜欢的,这样你就可以将同一图片制作成不同的风格,比如转换成Sim City中的场景。假如你懒得编辑的话,Comic Life也提供了多个模板和主题,让你可以直接使用。

Comic Life 3.x | Mac Os X | 72.4 MB
Turn your photos into amazing comic pages or create an entire comic book with Comic Life. Start with fully customizable templates or build your own pages with speech balloons, comic lettering, and photo filters so slick they can make your grandmother look like a superhero.
Comic Life isn't just for creating comics. You can retell a family vacation or capture a special day using your photos. It's simple to do: just drag photos onto the page and add your text in speech balloons and captions. Filter your images and add in some halftones or speedlines for more action.
With Comic Life you'll never look at your pictures the same way again.
The app that started a revolution. Comic Life burst onto the Mac scene in 2005 and caused a sensation winning both an Apple Design Award (for Best Product New to Mac OS X) and a Macworld Eddy. Now there's a bunch of new features:
* Brand new filters for even better comic photo styling
* Instant Alpha for creative photo layouts
* Script editor for writing your story and simple drag and drop for adding script text to your comic page
* New templates to get you going quickly
* 3D lettering effects
* Advanced graphics options: brush strokes, cool fill effects and opacity controls
* New editing interface with groups, rulers, 2 up display
It's the perfect addition to your Mac.
Compatibility: OS X 10.6 or later

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