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[13MB]Lingon X 6.6.2 Multilingual MacOS

发表于 2019-3-19 22:05:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Lingon X for mac是Mac os平台上的一款非常实用的Mac开发软件,Lingon X for mac是一套设计用来帮助您快速,方便和有效的构建和求解线性,非线性,和整数最优化模型的功能全面的工具。包括功能强大的建模语言,建立和编辑问题的全功能环境,读取和写入Excel和数据库的功能。

File size: 13 MB
Lingon can start an app, a script or run a command automatically whenever you want it to. You can schedule it to run at a specific time, regularly or when something special happens. Lingon can also make sure that an app or a script automatically restarts if it crashes. Lingon X is based on the great Lingon 3 and extends it with new features like running jobs as root and on multiple dates. It can also monitor all jobs in the background and show a notification when something changes. It is now even easier to use yet much more powerful.

- Start an app, a script or run a command automatically whenever you want it to. You can schedule it to run at a specific times, regularly or when something special happens.
- It can also make sure that an app or a script automatically restarts if it crashes. Lingon X can do all this for you and much more.
- Lets you run things automatically by modifying configuration files for the built-in system function called launchd so the system handles running the jobs so you don't need to have Lingon open after you have saved your job.
- Released outside Mac App Store to be able to include requested features.
- Still available in Mac App Store for those who still use OS X 10.7 Lion or prefer the comfort and convenience of the Mac App Store.
- Earlier versions of Lingon X are still available to work with macOS from 10.8. And a license bought today can be used with both Lingon X 5 and Lingon X 4.
Compatibility: mac OS 10.13 or later 64-bit

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