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[38MB]Mac FoneLab 9.1.52 MacOS

发表于 2019-3-19 21:27:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mac FoneLab 是一款Mac上实用的iPhone数据恢复工具,支持iPhone、iPad等iOS设备,支持快速找回误删除的文件,从iTunes或iCloud备份中恢复等,很不错!

Mac FoneLab 9.x | macOS | 38 mb

A straightforward recovery application that makes it easy for you to browse the content of your iOS device and backup files in order to restore lost data. Mac FoneLab is a smooth-running and intuitive macOS application designed to help you effortlessly recover lost data directly from your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch or from your iCloud and iTunes backup files.
With Mac FoneLab’s help you’ll be able to retrieve lost photos, contacts, messages, call entries, calendar events, notes, reminders, Safari bookmarks and other important data from your iOS device.
From Mac FoneLab’s user-oriented main window, you can easily decide from where you want to retrieve data and choose to recover directly from your iOS device, iTunes or iCloud backup file. Once the iOS device or backup file is scanned, you can browse its content and preview the retrieved data.
What is more, the Mac FoneLab app groups the collected data into different categories that you can easily access from the left side panel.
Compatibility: OS X 10.7 or later
Homepage: http://www.aiseesoft.com/mac-iphone-data-recovery/

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