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【1.23GB】Bentley RM Bridge Enterprise CONNECT Edition x64

发表于 2019-1-4 19:45:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
RM Bridge是强大的Bentley Systems公司的产品,用于设计,分析,建模和仿真桥梁,使用该软件可以测试和模拟桥梁对地震和其他自然灾害的弹性和强度,以及桥梁及其相关结构的精确设计。
RM Bridge可帮助工程师设计其桥梁和结构,从而提供最小的空气阻力,通过集成分析,设计和搭建桥梁所需的所有工具,复杂的工程问题将变得更加容易,从而节省大量时间。该软件提供了所有塑化工程师所需要的。

x64 | Language:English | File Size: 1.23 GB

RM Bridge formidable product of the company Bentley Systems for design, analysis, modeling and simulation is Paul. With this software can also principles and detailed design of the bridge and its associated structures, elasticity and resistance against earthquakes and other natural hazards bridge will be tested and simulated. RM Bridge to Bridge and Structures helps engineers have designed it so that the air show of least resistance. The software provides everything engineers need the bridge to it.
Features and RM Bridge:Design and modeling of three-dimensional bridge
-Non-linear behavior in the bridge structure
-Do various tests to measure the strength and behavior in the face of vigorous shaking and bridge for high speed railway lines
-To study the topography and the geometry of the road
-Finite element analysis capabilities
-The possibility of cooperation among the different teams bridge bridge geometry, materials and structures, pressure, further strengthen and improve decision-making
-Design and analysis of cable bridges, suspended, arched
-Analysis and design of concrete bridges, steel and ...
-Bridge design for high-speed rail (HSR)
-Using different methods for evaluating the authenticity of installation of bridge
-Static analysis, dynamic and stable bridge
-Calculation and wind tunnel tests and analyzes Fluid Dynamics
System Requirements:
-Windows 10 (64-bit) - Pro, Enterprise, and Education
-Windows 8.1 (64-bit) - Standard, Pro, and Enterprise
-Windows 8 (64-bit) - Standard, Pro, and Enterprise
Note: You must have the following Microsoft updates installed on your machine:
-KB2999226 - For Windows 8.1,
-KB2919355 - For Windows 8.1

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