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【0.40GB】CosiMate 9.0.0

发表于 2019-1-6 14:57:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
File size: 369 MB
With the growing complexity of systems in areas such as automotive, aerospace, and communications, integrating software, hardware, and mechanical components is becoming more and more challenging. In many engineering organizations, the design of complex systems often requires the cooperation of several teams from different domains of expertise using different development and validation tools. Before actual implementation, system engineers today need to be able to validate the whole system behavior as early as possible in the development- cycle and at different abstraction levels.

In contrast to a point-to-point solution, where one simulator is able to communicate with only one other simulator, CosiMate uses an open architecture based on a co-simulation bus.
This solution offers two major advantages, an open architecture enabling multi-point integration and communication of heterogeneous simulators, and the ability to simulate models across the network optimizing CPU usage and simulation performance.
An Open Architecture
CosiMate's open architecture enables engineers to connect an unlimited number of simulation environments together. Once the co-simulation process is launched, users can interact with the native simulators transparently as if CosiMate were not present.
Models representing different abstraction levels can be mixed and matched providing a high degree of flexibility. Additionally, overall system quality is ensured because individual engineers can work in their familiar environment.
A Test Environment
CosiMate can be used as a test environment by integrating C/C++ debuggers or monitors as well as Test & Measurement tools such as LabVIEW or LabWindows/CVI. Specialized tools such as CarSim, which simulates and animates dynamic tests of cars and trucks, can also be supported.
CosiMate provides a set of utilities such as the Automatic Bench Generator to facilitate the development of models or code without co-simulating the full system. The generated C code allows an easy way to test a part of the system by using co-simulation techniques.
A Verification Platform
CosiMate has the ability to co-simulate a model at different levels of abstraction. This capability provides a complete environment to verify a non regression of the model functionality along the design flow.
Working with our OEM customers, Chiastek has proved the concept of software-in-the-loop (SIL) verification using CosiMate. Our customers created a complete framework for testing production control software against various plant models on PCs. The focus is mainly on software communication (direct I/O, CAN, ...), software initialization (calibration), system synchronization (task scheduling).
Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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