The Bat!是一个强大易用的E-mail客户程序,支持多用户环境,不受限制的E-mail帐号的安全和非安全的消息 访问,全面的消息过滤,多语种界面,MIME标准和UUEncode,带消息模板的相当不错的文本编辑器,以及其他很多小的实用特色。
File Size: 96 MB The Bat! 8 is a popular email client that allows to work with unlimited number of the mailboxes. Furthermore, it has powerful sorting filters, fully customizable message templates, Mail Dispatcher and many more other features. The main task of the program is to secure protection of the correspondence from data theft and monitoring by third parties. The Bat! 8 is able to handle an unlimited number of e-mail accounts and to process and store an unlimited number of messages.
The program offers a system of automatic message filtering, easy system of templates, message editor with the spell checker. And many other useful features. The Bat! protects your information using different methods. It includes the encryption of the message base on the hard drive and e-mail traffic encryption. This email client protects your data through multiple encryption streams. It also ensures your correspondence stays private. Finally, it protects confidential data by working without Web interfaces and without using global email providers that keep your messages in the cloud.The Bat! is perfect for work or at home. It has no restriction on the number of email accounts or messages you can have, high security and built-in features like automatic filters, templates, a spell-checker and more.