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【2.3GB】ESI CFD Advanced 2014.0 Linux

发表于 2019-2-9 20:34:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CFD产品经理Richard Thoms)说:“新版本中的新的物理元素加强了我们的多物理模拟能力。我们对每个新的功能都进行了系列的测试和验
CFD-ACE+ 是市场上复杂的等离子过程模拟的最好的设计和分析软件。CFD-ACE+ 可以为诸如晶片沉积和电弧放电等离子体等过程提供快速而精确的CFD预测。CFD-ACE+ 的气穴模块可以很好的模拟对水泵性能产生不利影响的气穴现象。通过附加通风模型,制造商可以精确的模拟充入液体的气体在气穴形成过程中所产生的效应,从而提高水泵的效率。
CFD-FASRAN 的并行计算功能在新的版本中得到了加强和简化。现在,CFD-FASRAN 的用户可以通过运行环境的自动化配置以及控制来执行并行计算,从而可以更快地得出模拟的结果。
新版本软件最值得一提的是CFD-CADalyzer针对不同区域的用户进行了客户化,目前已经发布了中文和日文版。CFD-CADalyzer可以直接通过相应的插件支持Autodesk Inventor,SoildWorks,SoildEdgr,Pro/Engineer Wildfire 和IronCAD,同时也支持任何其它能够输出ACIS SAT 文件的CAD系统。两种方法都可以使用户直接在CAD模型上进行基于设计的模拟,毫无障碍。
● 在CFD-GEOM 中可以处理剪裁循环,从而简化无结构网格的生成。
● CFD-VisCART 中的隔热薄壁可以用于引擎室冷却研究。
● 在CFD-VIEW中通过缩减截面的覆盖范围,可以计算和显示用户指定范围的数据。

ESI CFD Advanced 2014.0 Linux | 2.3 Gb
ESI is proud to announce the Release of the 2014.0 ACE+ Suite of CFD and Multiphysics software. This release c includes many new features that our customers have requested.

Included in the 2014.0 release are significant updates to:

- CFD-ACE+ - Advanced CFD and Multiphysics Solver
- CFD-FASTRAN - CFD Physics Solver
- CFD-GEOM - Geometry Modeler and Mesh Generator
- CFD-VisCART - Cartesian Mesh Generator
- CFD-VIEW - Solution Analysis and Visualization Tool

Enhancements have been made to increase usability, robustness and accuracy, and we are sure that this new version will make for a worthwhile upgrade to your CFD/Multiphysics toolset.
About ESI

ESI is a pioneer and world-leading provider in Virtual Prototyping that takes into account the physics of materials.

ESI boasts a unique know-how in Virtual Product Engineering, based on an integrated suite of coherent, industry-oriented applications. Addressing manufacturing industries, Virtual Product Engineering aims to replace physical prototypes by realistically simulating a product’s behavior during testing, to fine-tune fabrication and assembly processes in accordance with desired product performance, and to evaluate the impact on product use under normal or accidental conditions.

ESI’s solutions fit into a single collaborative and open environment for End-to-End Virtual Prototyping. These solutions are delivered using the latest technologies, including immersive Virtual Reality, to bring products to life in 3D; helping customers make the right decisions throughout product development.

The company employs about 1000 high-level specialists worldwide covering more than 40 countries.

Name: ESI CFD Advanced
Version: 2014.0
Home: www.esi-cfd.com
Interface: english
OS: Linux
Size: 2.3 Gb

Special Thanks Team-SolidSQUAD

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