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AMS Software PhotoWorks 15.0 Multilingual

发表于 2023-6-12 07:27:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
AMS Software PhotoWorks 15.0 Multilingual

AMS Software PhotoWorks is a comprehensive software course for photography enthusiasts and photo editors. With this powerful software you can easily edit your images and bring them closer to your desired images. In fact, with the help of this program you can make your images that are in poor level of brightness into a beautiful and beautiful picture. This software, despite its relatively simple appearance, utilizes the latest video processing technology that is capable of delivering the best possible output.
The AMS Software PhotoWorks professional tools automatically handle all kinds of editing tasks. For example, you can easily retouch your images with this software and get great results in the end. Getting rid of your pimples, stains, wrinkles, discoloration, red-eye fixes, teeth whitening, and so on are just some of the features of this program.
On the other hand, the large number of effects and visual effects makes you better and easier to get your desired result. These effects are categorized into different categories and you can choose your effect from the available filters. All of the above are only part of the functionality of this software.
AMS Software PhotoWorks System Requirements
• OS: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP• CPU: 1 GHz or faster (Intel, AMD)• RAM: min. 256 MB• Hard drive space: 500 MB or more• Supported Languages: English, Italian, German, French.
Read the Readme.txt file.
Download AMS Software PhotoWorks 16.5
Download AMS Software PhotoWorks 15.0
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AMS Software PhotoWorks 15.0 Multilingual


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