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TablePlus 5.0.2

发表于 2023-6-12 05:02:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
TablePlus 5.0.2

TablePlus, name of the software is powerful and efficient in the field of the management of the databases can be. In truth, manage and organize the databases, this software help to shape incredibly simple. Thanks to the powerful features and simple design, this program to manage databases faster and more efficient also have been. Benefit from the various options and likely to put the security of the databases you are in the best state of the other advantages of this app. There is authentication multi-step, etc. libssh native and TLS for encrypted connection you of such cases.
Appearance and user interface software, TablePlus is fully customizable. You can, depending on the need and your taste, the interface is the program’s customization, please. You also by this software you can get the row data, the structure of the tables, or query results directly edit. On the other hand, you to help of advanced filters, this product can go as smoothly as possible to the data update. You by this app, very convenient controls, and the direct proportion to the database desired in your body.
The most basic advantage of this software supports different databases can be. Support for all databases familiar names, such as MySQL, etc., PostgreSQL, etc., SQLite, etc., causing effortless so that you can confidently use this program please.
Benefit from the interface is very convenient and adjustable
The performance is very appropriate in the direction of the management and organization of the databases
The volume occupied is very low and speed up the use of this software
The possibility of quick finding data using filters, Advanced Search
Achieve the highest stages of security, for safe build databases
Support all databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL
The possibility of using shortcuts instead of clicking
TablePlus System Requirements
Operating SystemsWindows 10Windows 8/8.1Windows 7
In the Readme file included in the folder Crack is given.
Download TablePlus 5.4
Download TablePlus 4.2.10 Build 176 x64
Download TablePlus 3.11.0 macOS
Windows version: 179 MB
Version Mac: 51 MB

TablePlus 5.0.2


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