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RavenDB Enterprise v5.4.5 x64

发表于 2023-6-12 04:59:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
RavenDB Enterprise v5.4.5 x64

RavenDB is an open source and document oriented database for the Net platform. Is. The best idea you can get from a documented database is that you sort your data and save it to the hard disk alongside the program, now you don’t need to columns like SQL databases to recover And point the rows to retrieve the data. In this database, documents do not necessarily need to be stored as sorted objects.
RavenDB is a document-oriented and NoSQL database that speeds up the designer’s speed in data storage and retrieval. In this database a Net client. It is set up to communicate with the server, but is the JSON core. So any client that can communicate with HTML / JSON will work with the server. In this database you can define new indexes in WebUIs such as LINQ and use them for queries. With the Sharding feature, you can split the information into smaller segments and store it on multiple servers. This operation will help you increase your speed.
.Net Framework 4.0  
Silverlight 4  
Download RavenDB Enterprise v5.4.5 x86
Download RavenDB Enterprise v5.4.5 x64
Download RavenDB Ent-Pro-Dev v5.1.6.0 x86
Download RavenDB Ent-Pro-Dev v5.1.6.0 x64
Download RavenDB_Enterprise_Edition_v4.0.6
Download RavenDB 3.0.30037
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RavenDB Enterprise v5.4.5 x64


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