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Affinity Publisher 2.0.3 macOS

发表于 2023-6-12 04:05:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Affinity Publisher 2.0.3 macOS

Serif Affinity Publisher is a powerful and advanced software for designing graphic designs in the publishing and printing industry, published by Serif. In the process of designing and developing this software, the most modern techniques and programming programs are used, and in this regard, the performance of the software is completely optimal and it is compatible with a wide range of Windows and Apple hardware. Last year, Apple introduced this software as the best software of the year. This software has a general use and can be used for designing books, magazines, marketing and marketing in social networks, ready-made templates for designing photos and posts in virtual networks, mock-ups and the initial design of websites and applications. . and used…
Page layout and making eye-catching layouts is very simple with this software and the user can combine his images, texts and graphic design in a completely intuitive environment. This software is equipped with a set of advanced tools to adjust and optimize the color and tone of images. This will help ensure that your colors are consistent with other parts of the page and that no part catches the reader’s attention. Color adjustment and optimization layers are very practical and the user can use them in different parts of a page. Graphic designs are no longer a problem and the user can create multi-dimensional designs with personalized fonts and shapes.
Operating System
Affinity Store version
Microsoft Store version
Use the Reg Codes in Readme.txt file.
Download Serif Affinity Publisher x64
Download Serif Affinity Publisher 2.1.0 macOS
Windows: 535 MB
Mac: 755 MB

Affinity Publisher 2.0.3 macOS


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