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GerbView 10.16 x86

发表于 2023-6-12 00:21:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
GerbView 10.16 x86

GerbView is a product of Software Companions, an advanced yet easy-to-use software for converting, printing and viewing HPGL, HPGL / 2, Excellon and raster files. It supports both RS274D and RS274X. You can use this software to convert the old standard RS274D format to its new one, the RS274X which has default information. Gerbview is used to display and visualize your complex designs.
You no longer have to wait for photo shoots so you can visualize your design. You can work with several different formats supported by the program at the same time. Markup elements such as text, arrows, lines, images, ellipses, etc. are included in the program to use if needed. In this software you can convert files like Gerber, HPGL, HPGL / 2 and excellon to formats like AutoDesk DXF, AutoDesk DWF, Adobe PDF or … On the GerbView homepage you can find out all of the software’s coverage and support. You can find out the details of your plan with the tools in this app.
After installation, copy and paste the file in the Crack folder where the program is installed.
Download GerbView 10.16 x86
Download GerbView 10.16 x64
32-bit version: 23 MB
64-bit version: 25 MB

GerbView 10.16 x86


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