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Classroom Spy Pro 4.8.20

发表于 2023-6-11 23:58:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Classroom Spy Pro 4.8.20

Classroom Spy is a highly efficient software for monitoring and monitoring networked systems. This program allows you to fully control the networked computers. The monitor screen saw them, sent them messages, remotely shut down or restarted the system. Or lock the system for a specified time. It is possible to hide the video from the computer screen. In fact, the application is more for the classroom, for example a teacher can figure out exactly what their students are doing without the student system in place. Are they doing their assigned tasks or browsing?
With this program you can remove any networked computers. Disconnect it. You may also need to do things on your PC without the mouse and keyboard without being behind the user’s system. Here you can remotely view the full screen of the user monitor and do the job. You can monitor all network users in a single table together. This will make your computer a complete monitoring station. You can also send a general message to all systems in use. This message can be the message of a task. Subscribe to a specific route or anything else. It provides a lot of capabilities in monitoring networked systems and is one of the best applications in this field.
Windows XP, Windows 2003 Windows Vista (32/64) bitWindows 7 (32/64) bitWindows 8 / 8.1 (32/64) bitWindows 10 (32/64) bit
Download Classroom Spy Professional 4.8.24
41 MB

Classroom Spy Pro 4.8.20


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