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Altair PSIM Professional 2022.2.0 x64

发表于 2023-6-11 15:14:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Altair PSIM Professional 2022.2.0 x64

PSIM is a powerful software for designing, analyzing and simulating electronic circuits. With this program, electronic engineers are able to select and use a variety of electronic components from their huge library of applications. PSIM is a complete electrical and electronics lab, where it provides a variety of sensors and measuring devices such as oscilloscopes, wave analyzers, displays and thermal analyzers, direct and indirect current monitoring, as well as working with AC and DC motors. Data to give a complete understanding of circuit performance. During the simulation, you want to see live, using probes, current, voltage and other parameters. It has the power to display and personalize waves. You can easily change the shape of the wave, change the units of measurement, calculate the amplitude and intersection of the waves, and so on.
One of the advantages of PSIM is the ability to communicate with MATLAB and Simulink software for more sophisticated and accurate simulations. In fact, you can output the program as mathematical data to these programs and enjoy their benefits. It has the ability to design industrial circuits and power circuits with a complex domain and is more powerful and faster than software such as PSPice. With all the features it has, it has a simple interface that makes it very easy to work with so you can get to know the program’s general features after doing a few projects and with a little scrutiny of the menus and windows of the program.
PSIM runs in Microsoft Windows 7, 8, or 10 either on a stand-alone PC or on a network PC.  With the v2020a release, 32-bit is no longer available,  only 64-bit.  A minimum of 500MB RAM memory is required. The program will occupy around 560MB hard disk space after installed.
Minimum windows configuration:-2GB of RAM-20 GB of free disk space-a CPU that ranks at least 4000 in  www.cpubenchmark.net
If you are going to use large schematic files or large graphs, we recommend:-16GB of RAM-100 GB of free disk space-a CPU that ranks at least 8000 in  www.cpubenchmark.net
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Altair PSIM Professional 2022.2.0 x64


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