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jQWidgets v13.1.0

发表于 2023-6-11 14:52:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
jQWidgets v13.1.0

JQWidgets is the name of a powerful programming widget for designing and building professional web sites and mobile applications. The widget in front of you, as a comprehensive and innovative JavaScript library, is able to provide you with a comprehensive solution that will meet all your requirements to all standards in web programming languages. The creators of the product believe that the widget is capable of providing an essential set of interface components required by developers to facilitate product development and reduce project costs.
The design and construction of JQWidgets has attempted to maximize user interaction. This means that the product in front of you is capable of meeting all your needs in designing and building professional software and web pages. With this widget, you will have access to a fully responsive Javascript pre-built interface to a variety of screens such as desktops and mobile phones. The widget is also designed to be highly sensitive to all browsers around the world and provide an amazingly flawless performance.
It is also known as a jQuery-based framework for building web-based applications. JQWidgets contains over 60 UI widgets. Also in this product all the widgets available from scratch are designed and powered by a conventional core.
JQWidgets System Requirements
To Use This Widget You Need:
The product supports all major desktop and mobile web browsers – Edge, Internet Explorer 7.0 , Firefox 2.0 , Safari 3.0 , Opera 9.0 , Google Chrome, IE Mobile, Android, Opera Mini, Mobile Safari (iPhone, iPad).
Read the Readme.txt file.
Download JQWidgets 13.1.0
Download jQWidgets_v9.0.0
Download JQWidgets_6.1.0
15 MB

jQWidgets v13.1.0


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