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ESF Database Migration Toolkit Pro 8.2.07

发表于 2023-6-11 11:49:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ESF Database Migration Toolkit Pro 8.2.07

ESF Database Migration Toolkit software for data transfer between databases different is with the use of this program without writing any kind of script in three steps you can Data lost in between databases different transfer. This tool for a significant amount of effort, cost and risk of migration from/to databases the following decreases:MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, IBM Informix, InterSystems Caché, Teradata, Visual Foxpro, SQLite, FireBird, InterBase, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Paradox, Lotus, dBase, CSV/Text and transfer any type of data source ODBC DSN to databases above.I don’t shapeless SQL Head Head Tap simply and accurately, in only three steps save time and have lots of. All tables, data, Askim (the SQL 2000 to the top, Oracle and PostfreSQL), objects LOB (objects, text/binary, big) in. Keys main and external, indexes., the values of auto-increment and each type of data, another transfer find it. Meanwhile, transfer the data anywhere I have to characters art instruments different, for example, UTF8 or CP1250 and… also automatically convert the mission and not to worry. Also the possibility to change the name fields, etc. types, types, null etc. decimal values and … addition to transferring data there. ESF Database Migration Toolkit finally a software solution, a comprehensive and simple to migrate your data to a database, other that this, surely, will save time a lot will be.
Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
Download ESF Database Migration Toolkit Professional 10.2.27 x86
Download ESF Database Migration Toolkit Professional 10.2.27 x64
Download ESF Database Migration Toolkit Pro 10.1.19 x86
Download ESF Database Migration Toolkit Professional 9.1.14
Download ESF Database Migration Toolkit Pro 8.2.07
68 MB

ESF Database Migration Toolkit Pro 8.2.07


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