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crack破解激活Maplesoft Maple 2016.2安装包

发表于 2019-1-21 23:44:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Maplesoft宣布了其旗舰产品Maple 2016.2发布!
Maple是一个通用型的商用计算机代数系统。Maple起源于1988年,由加拿大安大略滑铁卢的一家公司,Waterloo Maple Inc.(亦称Maplesoft枫软)进行开发和商业销售。最新版是Maple 2015。它的主要竞争者是Mathematica。
用户能够直接使用传统数学符号进行输入,也可以定制个性化的界面。对于数值计算有额外的支持,能够扩展到任意精度,同时亦支持符号演算及可视化。符号演算的例子参见下文。Maple内建有一种动态的命令行风格的编程语言,该语言支持具有作用域的变量。同时亦有其他语言的接口(C、FORTRAN、Java、Matlab和Visual Basic)。还具有与Excel进行交互的接口。

Maplesoft Maple 2016.2 | 2.7 Gb
Maplesoft has released Maple 2016.2, a maintenance update. This update contains the improvements added in Maple 2016.1, plus one additional fix: Corrects a problem in math notation input that can occur when using the π symbol with implicit multiplication.
With Maple 2016, Maplesoft offers important new abilities to educators, researchers, scientists, and engineers that allow them to solve more problems, more easily, than ever before. Maple 2016 includes enhancements through the entire product. It solves more mathematical problems from differential equations, statistics, graph theory, and many other mathematical domains. It also provides new Clickable Math options for performing operations at the click of a button, as well as other usability enhancements throughout the product.
Maple 2016.2 is a maintenance update to Maple 2016. It contains a variety of improvements to Maple 2016, including:
- Changes to the file formats supported by the video component, including the addition of .mp4 files
- Improvements to the Maple Workbook
- Improvements to the Physics package
- Updated language pack for Brazilian Portuguese
- Support for MapleSim 2016.2
- Numerous small improvements throughout the product
Maplesoft Maple 2016.2_x64 (Install 2016 with Update 2016.2)
Maplesoft Maple 2016.2_x64_Update (Only update 2016.2)
Maplesoft Maple 2016.2_x86 (Install 2016 with Update 2016.2)
Maplesoft Maple 2016.2_x86_Update (Only update 2016.2)

About Maplesoft
Maplesoft has provided mathematics-based software solutions to educators, engineers, and researchers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for over 25 years. Maplesoft's flagship product, Maple, combines the world's most powerful mathematics engine with an interface that makes it extremely easy to analyze, explore, visualize, and solve mathematical problems. Building on this technology, the product line includes solutions for online assessment, system-level modeling and simulation, and online STEM courseware. Maplesoft products provide modern, innovative solutions to meet today's challenges, from exploring math concepts on a smartphone to enabling a model-driven innovation approach that helps companies reduce risk and bring high-quality products to market faster. Maplesoft products and services are used by more than 8000 educational institutions, research labs, and companies, in over 90 countries.
Product: Maplesoft Maple
Version: 2016.2 (build 1194701)
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page : http://www.maplesoft.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8.x / 10
Software Prerequisites: Maplesoft Maple 2016 (for Update 2016.2)
Size: 2.7 Gb

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