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AutoForm^Plus R7 Update 2 x64 Win/Lnx升级包

发表于 2019-1-21 20:54:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
AutoForm^Plus R7 Update 2 (x64) (Win/Lnx) | 274 Mb
AutoForm offers software solutions for the die-making and sheet metal forming industries. The use of AutoForm software improves reliability in planning, reduces the number of die tryouts and tryout time, and results in higher quality part and tool designs that can be produced with maximum confidence. In addition, press downtime and reject rates in production are substantially reduced.
Based on practical, industrial know-how and sheet metal forming expertise, AutoForm’s solutions form a complete, integrated system with highly specialized functions to analyze, review and optimize every phase of the process chain.
AutoForm provides solutions all along the sheet metal forming process chain. They range from stand-alone modules for small and mid-size companies to complete, integrated multi-module systems for large companies.
Due to a complete integration of all the AutoForm software modules, concepts and results from earlier phases can be easily and directly used in later phases. This enables customers to benefit from the power of simultaneous engineering, which optimizes time, cost and quality, thereby maximizing efficiency and productivity.

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