CrystalDiffract是一款晶体分子结构示图软件。该软件可以帮助用户创建、显示和操作各种晶体分子结构,在新版本中提供了一个流线型的工作流程,用户只需要把其中的数据文件拖拉到程序中就可以得到照片般逼真的色彩啦。 CrystalDiffract带有在线帮助,例如文件和全面的用户指南, Adobe PDF格式。该用户指南包括短期辅导,从而提供了快速的方向指南,功能完整的版本的程式。
CrystalDiffract 6.x (x64) | 29.8 Mb
Mineralogy is a scientific branch of geology that is specialized in the scientific study of crystal structure, chemical and physical properties of minerals. The most common tests performed are X-ray crystallography and neutron powder diffraction, since they provide you with precise information about a mineral's qualities. In order to analyze them, you need a powerful and reliable software application that can run simulations on your result data, in order to accurately determine the chemical and physical properties of a mineral or crystal. CrystalDiffract helps you do just that. The program allows you to import various X-ray and neutron powder diffraction test results, then analyze them or perform simulations on the saved data samples. Powerful analysis tool The application helps you analyze X-ray or neutron powder diffraction patterns, in order to accurately determine the chemical and physical properties of a sampled mineral. Furthermore, you can simulate certain phase transformations by on-the-fly editing any current properties. You can use the program to import multiple experimental datasets, then compare them with your simulated data, in order to find out certain particularities of each crystal or mineral. In addition, you can easily monitor each simulation, as the application offers you extensive control over several aspects of your experiment, such as wavelength, peak shapes, zero correction and strain broadening. CrystalDiffract offers you the possibility to customize the display of imported or simulated data patterns, so that you can have a clearer view of your analysis. Besides, you can process your observed data, by applying offsets and relative intensity scaling or by removing any background noises, thus smoothing data. Requires a 64-bit PC running: Windows 7-10. Note that .NET Framework 4.6 or later is also required.
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