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crack破解安装包Corel WordPerfect Office Professional 2020 v20.0.0.200

发表于 2020-5-7 23:14:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
超过 30 年历史的办公软件,Corel WordPerfect Office作为一套多功能一体办公软件由数以百万计的家庭和商业用户信任。WordPerfect Office X 继续这一传统,提供控制、 兼容性和您所需的功能。体验无与伦比的兼容性,超过 60 的文件类型,包括最新的 Microsoft ® Office 格式的支持。享有强大的内置 PDF 功能、 协作使用集成的软件和工作更智能、 更快地使用所有新功能和经典的 WordPerfect 工具。Corel WordPerfect Office X  — — 传说中的 office 套件为今天的家庭和商业用户设计的。
WordPerfect Office 由文字处理软件“WordPerfect”、表格计算软件“Quattro Pro”以及幻灯演示制作程序“Presentations”组成.该组件还具有地址簿和模板管理功能“WordPerfect OfficeReady”等,提供了与Microsoft Office很高的兼容性和许多业界领先的特性,可以把工作表输出成PDF格式,包括一个全新的邮件客户端,全新的用户接口,增强的多用户支持和强大的隐 藏元数据的估算能力.可以实现Microsoft Office的全部功能.

Languages: English | File Size: 1.66 GB
Depend on the trusted power of WordPerfect? Office Professional 2020 to create and deliver impressive documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and more. With built-in PDF functionality, enhanced Reveal Codes, eBook publishing, and the Paradox database management system, you'll have all the support and familiar tools you need to work more efficiently. Collaboration is made simple with support for more than 60 file types, including the latest Microsoft Office formats. Plus, tap into user-suggested enhancements to streamline your most important workflow requirements..........
Tech Specs:
- Windows 10*, Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 with the latest updates/service packs
- 1 GHz or faster (x86) or an AMD64 processor
- 1 GB RAM (x86) or 2 GB RAM (AMD64)
- 2.75 GB hard disk space for application files
- 1024 x 768 screen resolution
- Mouse or tablet
- DVD drive (Required for box installation)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or higher


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