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crack破解安装包ZPAY TimeClockWindow 2.0.64

发表于 2020-5-7 14:16:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
TimeClockWindow允许您使用电脑来记录和报告对员工的工作时间。它完全取代手工时间卡机或您的手写时间和出勤记录。它也消除了需要你花费时间每周汇编成一份报告,你的手动系统以供应给你的工资部门。 TimeClockWindow 软件提供现场薪金是精确到秒生成的报告。

ZPAY TimeClockWindow 2.x | 33.4 MB
The TimeClockWindow application follows a long line of easy to use payroll tools starting with ZPAY, ZPAY 3, then PayWindow and now TimeClockWindow. The best news is that our time clock is network ready and can be installed on all of your workstations and used by all of your employees in the same office. No extra costs for workstations or for the number of employees in the company, no limits!No more managing hours by hand! No more spending half a day trying to add up the employee time and pulling your hair out because of messy employee cards that you can't decipher! Automation with our time clock software is the answer!
The best thing about TimeClockWindow is that it has full integration with PayWindow. That means full importing employee, company and departments data from PayWindow and pushing the employee hours direct into PayWindow each payday! Starting with the time clock employee interface, as you can see below, it shows you exactly who is clocked in and who is clocked out with color coded tags on the employee "time cards". Red is out, green is in and blue is on break or lunch. There is even a mailbox that shows when the employee has a message waiting when the flag is up. The administrator interface of TimeClockWindow gives you all the tools and power you need to set up and manage your employee time records. And for PayWindow users, it's as easy as clicking a few buttons to import your employees from PayWindow! And if you update any employees in PayWindow, simply re-import to refresh the data.The Employee forgets to clock out? You can edit the "time transactions" to easily fix problems like that. You can even add transactions such as Holiday hours if you have paid holidays, sick time if you pay sick time and even vacation hours.
Here are some of the features you will find in TimeClockWindow:
- Software Time Clock, no expensive hardware to buy
- Simple to use time card interface
- Manages unlimited number of employees at no extra charge
- Network ready for unlimited workstations with no extra charge
- Can also run on single computer in small office
- Interfaces with PayWindow Payroll and imports employees and exports time to PayWindow
- Built-in message center with ability to broadcast to all from administrator
- Built-in security to prohibit time tampering on computer by employees
- Best security - can get time from Internet making it impossible for time tampering on computer by employees
- Password protected to keep employees from shutting down.
- Prints paper reports for those non-PayWindow users (not sure why you'd not use PayWindow)
- Database Merge tool allows you to merge databases from different building not on the Company Network.
- Export features: direct to PayWindow and to CSV file format
- Imports employee information, company information and list of departments from PayWindow
- Password protected at administrator level and for each employee
- Keep track of who is in and who is out at a glance
- Simple to set up and to administer
- PC based system, no expensive time clocks required
- Reports can be selected by individuals, range of individuals and date ranges
- Support for forced lunch and break times
OS : Windows 8 / 7 / Vista / XP
Language : English

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