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crack破解安装包IconCool Studio Pro 8.20

发表于 2020-5-5 07:49:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这是一款图标编辑制作软件,全面支持32位色,使用它,你可以制作出漂亮的Windows XP风格的半透明图标。支持PSD插件,可以从photoshop中导入图片,或是将图片导出到Photoshop。能导入、导出PSD文件(支持透明模式),并能完全导入PNG,GIF,ANI的动画图片。能定制Windows图标,改变程序皮肤。能编辑GIF动画图标。能改变坐标和射线角度。在本机和网络上搜索图标和其他图象文件。可以同时编辑多种格式的图标。
支持导入的文件格式:BMP, DIB, EMF, GIF, ICB, ICO, ICL, JPG,JPEG, PBM, PCD, PCX, PGM, PNG, PPM, PSD, PSP, RLE, SGI , TGA, TIF, TIFF, VDA, VST, WBMP和WMF。 能存为BMP, CUR, GIF, JPG, ICL, ICO, PNG, WBMP, EMF, WMF, TGA 和TIF格式。可以使用多种滤镜和图象效果。优化了点、线等基本图形的算法。

IconCool Studio Pro 8.x | 21.3 MB
IconCool Studio 8 is an absolute solution for 32-bit icon creating, editing and modifying. With IconCool Studio 8 as your icon helpmate, you can easily create, edit and modify your icons in your studio. With the new, more efficient user friendly interface, IconCool Studio 8 has been developed to help you unleash your innovation, inspiration to experience the process and enjoy cheers.
OS : Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP
Language : English

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