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crack破解版安装包文件PaintCode 3.4.5 MacOsX

发表于 2020-4-12 04:42:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
随着移动互联网的快速发展,越来越多的软件移居到了mobile device上,作为一名Coder或是Designer,必须学习新的移动平台开发技术才能跟上潮流,PaintCode是Apple Designer入门APP开发最合适的辅助工具之一,她可以把你绘制的矢量UI自动转化为适用于iOS/OS X的Objective-C代码,可以被视当年网页制作神器DW的今世转生版。

PaintCode  | Mac Os X | 7.5 MB
Designing an attractive, resolution independent user interface is hard, especially if you have to program your drawing code. PaintCode is a simple vector drawing app that instantly generates resolution-independent Objective-C and C#/MonoTouch drawing code. You no longer have to tweak and recompile your drawing code over and over again to achieve the desired result. With PaintCode, a graphic designer with no programming experience can draw beautiful controls, icons and other user interface elements, and the app automatically generates code that is equally beautiful.

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