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crack破解安装包Autodesk Maya LT 2019.2 Win/Mac

发表于 2020-4-11 21:54:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Autodesk Maya LT 2019 是由autodesk公司出品的一款知名的三维动画制作软件,是Autodesk Maya 2019的精简版,精简版去掉了Animation Layer、Live animation retargeting、Camera Sequencer、Paint Effects等多余的功能,可以满足用户的基本需要,多适用于教育教学和简单的三维动画制作

Autodesk Maya LT 2019 Win/Mac
With several UV improvements and exciting new modeling tool updates, Autodesk® Maya LT® 2019 helps game developers work faster than ever before.
With several UV improvements and exciting new modeling tool updates, Autodesk® Maya LT® 2018 helps game developers work faster than ever before. Modeling, animation, workflows have seen significant improvements that not only help artists work quicker but also help make character creation more enjoyable
Professional Modeling tools
Maya LT users can leverage the familiar and powerful Maya modeling toolset to help rapidly create and edit 3D characters, props, and environments. Modeling has never been easier thanks to the recently integrated NEX custom toolset and efficient
automatic poly-reduction tools that makes creating assets for various screen resolutions a breeze.
Materials and shaders
Maya LT includes ShaderFX, a real-time, node-based editor that enables the rapid creation of gpu accelerated, programmable shaders without requiring manual coding. Shaders can easily be exported as HLSL, GLSL, or CgFX shader programs, then imported into any game engine that supports Microsoft DirectX 11 or OpenGL.
Animation tools
Bring your game characters, props and environments to life with a variety of animation tools based on Autodesk Maya and Autodesk HumanIK inverse kinematic software. Create keyframe animations and editable motion trails/trajectories to fine-tune motion animation directly in the viewport for maximum efficiency.

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