HTML Egg Pro Mac版是一款专业级的网页设计软件,HTML Egg Pro采用了独特的拖放和拖放编辑器,可以根据用户的设计自动生成代码,即使你没有编程背景也没关系,因为这个程序是适合于爱好网页设计的朋友,无需学习先进的编程语言。 特点介绍 1、新网站的水平“基本模板”可以让普通的页面元素,如菜单,页眉,页脚,以在整个网站上共享
10、使用HTML Egg Pro创建的所有工作与专业版完全兼容。您将能够打开和.eggpage格式编辑网页文件以及网页表单文档.touchforms格式。此外,专业版还支持兼容的网页直接进口html格式和触摸形式的网络形式的.php格式。 HTML Egg Pro 7.x | MacOSX | 61 Mb
Table grids with customizable number of columns and rows. Each grid cell is also linkable, perfect for navigation menus and information tables.Base template, providing master level management for common website elements such as headers and navigation menus. Centralized management allows search engine meta tags and Google Analytics tracking code to be inherited by multiple pages and forms. Hundreds of colors for text, shapes and backgrounds. Freeform canvas layout with multi-layer arrangement. Advanced alignment tools for aligning multiple objects by positions and dimensions.
Build unlimited number of pages and websites. One time stand-alone software purchase with ZERO monthly fees, no banners, no advertisements. Please note you will need to have your own web hosting service to publish your website via FTP. Drag and drop editor for designing beautiful websites with hyperlinks, slideshows and stunning lightbox photo galleries. Allows you to sync, create and update websites on both desktop and mobile devices. Web Form Design Features Drag and drop editor for designing professional feedback forms, web surveys, guestbooks and more. Full support for text field inputs, paragraph boxes, multiple choice questions, checkboxes, validated email address fields and bot checkers. Receive form responses instantly upon submission via designated emails.