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crack破解安装包RA Beauty Retouch Panel 3.3 Win/macOS

发表于 2020-4-9 19:08:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

RA Beauty Retouch Panel是款功能强大的人像中性灰磨皮插件;它是针对photoshop人像润肤磨皮设计开发,该插件安装成功之后,是以单独的面板显示,并且也将D&B等相关的肖像工作流程集合,让用户在进行人像处理的时候,根据您的图像需要完成对相关的流程方案选择,快速的提高图像的质量.

RA Beauty Retouch Panel 3.2 (Win/macOS) | 59 Mb

The Beauty Retouch Workflow Accelerator is a Photoshop extension panel designed to help photographers and retouchers speed up their Beauty, Fashion & Portrait retouching workflow and ultimately increase the quality of their retouching results.
Beauty Retouch v3.2 panel combines basic Beauty retouching scripts, tool and adjustment layer shortcuts, which will add simplicity to and speed up your workflow by performing the tedious and repetitive parts of your routine. Utilizing a few advanced and extremely helpful scripts, as well as the ability to add custom User Actions, this extension panel will also save you hours of work in the short and long term as well as help you achieve accurate, repeatable top-quality results, and impress your clients!
Our Job is to empower Retouchers Like You!
Please view the USER MANUAL.PDF file, which is included in the installation package, it explains the functionality of the Beauty Retouch panel, as well as how the key retouching techniques can be performed faster and better with the help of our panel.
Fire Up Your Workflow!
The Beauty Retouch v3.2 Panel is a Photoshop extension panel created by the Retouching Academy team of professional photographers and retouchers to help fellow-artists speed up their Beauty, Fashion, & Portrait retouching workflow and ultimately increase the quality of their finished product.
Requirements: Photoshop CS6 to CC 2018.

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