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crack破解安装包Sync Checker 3.3 MacOS

发表于 2020-4-9 16:55:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一种诊断应用程序,它可以检查两个文件夹或磁盘是否完全同步,例如它们是否有完全相同的内容。当创建有价值文件的备份副本时,或者当确保两台计算机或移动设备在同一组数据上工作时,“完美同步”的状态可能非常重要。为了安全和防止数据丢失,可以让Sync Checker验证一对文件集合是否完全匹配。

File Size: 13.3 MB
Sync Checker is a diagnostic application which can check if two folders or disks are perfectly synchronized, i.e. if they have exactly the same contents. When creating backup copies of valuable files, or when making sure that two computers or mobile devices work on the same set of data, the status of being “in perfect sync” can be very important. In order to be safe and to prevent loss of data, you can let Sync Checker verify whether a pair of file collections are matching exactly or not.

In other situations, it might be interesting to find differences between file sets. For example, you might like to know which files have changed on your computer, comparing a Time Machine backup of last Friday with one of last Tuesday.
After performing a sync check, Sync Checker will either confirm that all files are identical, or it will present all detected mismatches. You can browse through the differing items, analyzing exactly where a mismatch occurred, and if the differences are critical or negligible. Filter tools help you to navigate through large sets of mismatching objects. You can also create a textual report of the results which can be printed or exported. Advanced users can create ignore lists to exclude specific files from a sync check, or use archived file scans to perform offline checks.

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