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crack破解安装包DoYourData AppUninser Professional 5.1 MacOS

发表于 2020-4-9 12:10:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
DoYourData AppUninser 是一款软件卸载工具,它能够帮你在软件卸载的同时,将软件附属的其他没用的文件也一并找出来并进行删除,让你节省空间。

File size: 5 MBВ
DoYourData AppUninser (was CleanMyApp) is a very powerful yet easy-to-use Mac uninstaller. It can completely uninstall applications, remove associated files, and clean up anything leftover. It can thoroughly uninstall even the most stubborn applications, crashed programs, plug-ins, widgets, and preferencepanes from your Mac

DoYourData AppUninser also can remove unnecessary language files of applications to reclaim a great deal of disk space.
- Support uninstallation of applications that you downloaded from the Mac App Store or from other websites
- Completely uninstall the application and remove associated files, including junk files that produced by the application, registry files, traces, etc.
- Can even completely uninstall virus-infected, crashed, or stubborn applications
- Support for uninstalling applications in batches
Supported Operation Systems:
macOS 10.10 or later 64-bit

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