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crack破解安装包ClearDisk 2.11 macOS

发表于 2020-4-9 09:17:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ClearDisk Mac版是一款macOS平台的磁盘清理系统优化工具,ClearDisk Mac版可以帮助我们在mac电脑上清除一些不必要的文件以及垃圾文件,比如一些不需要的语言文件、下载文件夹内的文件、缓存文件以及垃圾文件,最终达到优化加速我们的系统。

ClearDisk 2.x | macOS | 5 mb

ClearDisk lets you get rid of unnecessary files quickly and efficiently because it searches for them in those places where they congregate.
• Language Resources: ClearDisk will remove unnecessary language resources from OS X and enable you to reclaim several hundred megabytes of disk space.
• Downloads: ClearDisk helps to clean up the huge space which is being used in this folder by files you have even forgotten about.
• Caches: ClearDisk cleans items stored in Cache files which eat up disk space.
• Trash: ClearDisk also clears the Trash. "Empty Trash" - a simple operation, but people tend to toss things into the Trash and rarely remember to empty it periodically.
Perform three simple steps to get the excellent result:
1 Scan the disk to identify the unnecessary files and display them with short explanation text..
2 Select files to be deleted.
3 Remove unnecessary files.
Compatibility: OS X 10.8 or later 64-bit
Homepage: https://nektony.com/clear-disk

Download 百度云
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VVYzpH8T6cVtLqb8gYCOBQ 提取码: mpg6

Download 百度网盘
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1O7wtYHGakhwMPxQX0vQ-sQ 提取码: ycb4


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