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crack破解安装包VovSoft Text Edit Plus 6.4

发表于 2020-3-27 15:14:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Text Edit Plus是一款功能强大的编辑软件,可以让您在软件上编辑文字内容,例如您可以输入一些生活上的提示文字,可以输入工作上的安排计划,也可以将编程的代码语句复制到软件上保存,让您可以随时在电脑上记录重要的事情或者是重要的句子;Text Edit Plus编辑的文本都是TXT格式的,内置剪辑线、文字编码转换、大小写转换、电子邮件分析比较两个文件等功能,让用户在建立文本的时候可以获得更多编辑工具!

File size: 8.4 MB
Text Edit Plus is a lightweight tool that enables users to easily create new text documents or to modify existing ones. The application is designed as an alternative to Notepad, by offering a wider set of features.

Some of the features: Dark mode. Adding date and time. Changeability of background color and font properties. Encode and decode text. Combine lines. Command system for extracting the desired text. Delete empty lines. Delete same lines. Filter lines. Find and Replace. Full screen view. Generate e-mail list. Generate quick stats. Generate word list. Import picture as text (ASCII art). Insert numbers. Insert text into beginning or end of lines. Lowercase and uppercase conversion. Randomize lines. Reverse lines. Sort lines. Trim lines.
Whats New:
Utilized SynEdit text engine
Implemented real-time line numbers display
Increased high-dpi awareness for wide screens such as Full HD and 4K
Implemented load time display
Revised Find and Replace dialogs

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