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crack破解安装包Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX 1.9 x64 for Maya

发表于 2020-3-26 12:38:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Get any shape, right out of the solve. Discover the power of Art Directable Rest Shapes in Ziva VFX. This highly anticipated release is fusing art and science with fully dynamic custom silhouettes. Unlock all the tools on the Ziva Store now.

Ziva VFX features the highlight anticipated Art Directable Rest Shapes toolset. This new Ziva functionality is a direct response to the demands of creature creators working in both feature animation and live action CG productions who are seeking greater artistic control. The feature enables characters to conform to any shape without losing their dynamic properties. This technique removes the pains of complex shot-sculpting and enables precise character silhouettes that are extremely fast and easy to set up.
Art Directable Rest Shapes, and therefore Ziva VFX 1.7, have been in development for over a year and were created in collaboration with several major VFX and feature animation studios. While outputs and art styles differed, each group essentially requested the same thing: extreme accuracy and more control. They needed to hit very specific shapes really easily, without compromising the compelling dynamics or the demanding project deadlines.
For cartoon characters, shapes are often exaggerated or unnatural yet fundamental to the look and feel of the fictitious world. For photoreal rigs, accurate and organic shapes are required yet are often difficult to achieve with standard controls. ADRS is making its way into the hands of the world’s top studios, many of which are eager to reduce their reliance on shot sculpting and corrective workflows.
Compatibility: Maya 2016-2020


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