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crack破解安装包PhotosRevive 1.2.0 MacOS

发表于 2020-3-25 22:44:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PhotosRevive Mac版是Mac平台上的一款可以恢复老式照片色彩和图像编辑应用。PhotosRevive Mac版可以自动为您那些老旧的黑白照片着色。它采用了革命性的人工智能,能够为照片重上鲜艳动人的颜色。

File size: 142 MBВ
PhotosRevive automatically colorizes your old black and white photos. The application uses a revolutionary artificial intelligence that will add colors in an ultra-realistic way. The application is super simple to use. Scan or import your photo and that's it. The application will color it without any effort on your part.

We know that the colors chosen by the engine may differ from those of your memories. That's why the app lets you add indications of colors. So you can help the artificial intelligence ​​and change the rendering as you please. PhotosRevive is the first app that will perfectly adjust the rendering to your memories.
- Automatically recolor photos.
- Scan photos from your camera.
- Adjust black and white tint.
- Add indications to improve rendering.
- Save and share the result.
Supported Operation Systems:
macOS 10.13 or later 64-bit

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