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crack破解安装包Autodesk Maya LT 2020.1 Multilanguage Mac

发表于 2020-3-24 21:47:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Autodesk Maya LT 2020 是由autodesk公司出品的一款知名的三维动画制作软件,是Autodesk Maya 的精简版,精简版去掉了Animation Layer、Live animation retargeting、Camera Sequencer、Paint Effects等多余的功能,可以满足用户的基本需要,多适用于教育教学和简单的三维动画制作

Autodesk Maya LT 2020x | 2.0 Gb
The Autodesk products team is pleased to announce the availability of Maya LT 2020. This release includes improved Cached Playback improvements, as well as new features and improvements in Animation, Rigging, Modeling, and Lighting. It provides many performance enhancements as well as bug fixes, including fixes delivered in Maya and Maya LT 2019.1 and 2019.2 updates.
Welcome to Maya and Maya LT 2020. These release notes describe known limitations, issues, and fixes in Autodesk Maya, Maya LT, or both.
For the full list of new and improved features, and fixed bugs please refer to the release notes located here
Autodesk has released Maya 2020, the latest version of its 3D animation software, extending the cached playback system to support simulations, and updating the Bifrost for Maya multiphysics plugin.
The release also adds Remesh and Retopologize tools, support for a new matrix-driven rigging workflow, a GPU-based Proximity Wrap deformer and a new system of animation bookmarks.
The retopology tools and improvements to animation workflow also feature in Maya LT 2020, the latest version of the cut-down edition of Maya aimed at games artists.
In related news, Autodesk has released Arnold 6, the latest version of the renderer, officially making Arnold GPU, its new GPU rendering system, available as a stable production release.
With a focus on empowering artists throughout the production pipeline, Maya 2020 introduces new tools and updates that not only help animators, modelers, riggers, and technical artists work faster and more intuitively, but also make the creative process more fun.
Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.
Product: Autodesk Maya
Version: LT 2020
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.autodesk.com
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements:  macOs *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 2.2 Gb


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