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AIMP 5.10.2418 Multilingual x86

发表于 2023-6-12 04:54:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
AIMP 5.10.2418 Multilingual x86

AIMP is a beautiful and powerful music player capable of playing a variety of audio formats in the highest quality possible. The first thing that will catch your eye first is the beautiful graphical appearance of this app. All parts of the program are regularly arranged in secret panels, which are completely unlocked by selecting them. This app can be customized to your skin. The program has an 18-band equalizer that allows you to give music special effects. If you want to better understand the effect of these equalizers, you must use a suitable headset with an acceptable frequency limit to be able to sense the details of the noise. This equalizer is manually adjustable and you can even customize the sound to your liking by choosing popular profiles such as techno, dance, pop, rock and so on.
When switching between songs, start or stop the music, the sound will be switched off with soft effects again so that you don’t feel that there is a gap between the two. There is also a light dance window when playing the sound, which gives the player a unique graphic effect while playing music. In the playlist section you can rate different songs, add the song to the favorites. Specify the type of playback. For example, random broadcast. Play songs of a specific category.
One of the interesting features of AIMP is the sound level normalization. Some songs may not be properly tuned and have little sound. Some songs are set to very loud in front of them. On the other hand, no one wants to have a loudspeaker and adjust the volume level while playing music. The program has put together a sound normalization tool that allows you to normalize different songs so that they all play at the same sound level.
Windows Vista • Windows 7 • Windows 8 • Windows 10 • Windows 10 64 bit
This is freeware.
Download AIMP_5.11.2429 Multilingual x86
Download AIMP_5.11.2429 Multilingual x64
Download AIMP 5.11.2429 Multilingual Portable x64
Installed version: 14 MB
Portable Version: 16 MB

AIMP 5.10.2418 Multilingual x86


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