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iThoughts 6.4 Multilingual

发表于 2023-6-12 02:18:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
iThoughts 6.4 Multilingual

A mental map is a graph that is used to express ideas, words, and activities related to a particular subject. When thinking about a particular topic, many ideas and thoughts come into the human mind that are often not organized. We use the mental map diagram to store this data temporarily for a later time. In this diagram only keywords are stated and details are avoided. There is a lot of software available for building mental maps on PCs, which is a good choice for Mac OS iThoughtsX. With this program it is easy to make all kinds of mental maps.
The environment of this program is very simple and designed in a secluded environment and without any complexity you can register different keywords in the program and adjust to your favorite arrangement. It can be used to group data and display tasks and the relationships and interdependencies between these tasks, recording ideas and ideas, and more. One of the good features of this software is the ability to import or export information from other mental map software such as iMindmap and XMind and so on. It is also possible to import data from spreadsheet software such as Excel. The mental map can be saved as HTML, Word file, MS Project and so on.
Operating System: Windows 7 and later
OS X 10.10 or later
macOS Fixed: launch for macOS Monterey fixed
Download iThoughts 6.4 Multilingual
Download iThoughts 5.25 Multilingual
Download iThoughts 5.25 Multilingual Portable
Download iThoughtsX 9.3 Multilingual macOS
Download iThoughtsX 5.31 Multilingual macOS
Windows version: 23 MB
Mac version: 32 MB

iThoughts 6.4 Multilingual


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