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Output Messenger 2.0.23 x86

发表于 2023-6-12 01:25:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Output Messenger 2.0.23 x86

Output Messenger is a messaging, secure, and fast, which is for communication between teams and colleagues is very convenient. You to help of this messenger, you can quickly with your team, communicate you and your ideas to share with them. This software allows you to videos, photos, and images, and your files only with the use of drag and drop in groups or chat private send and communicate fast and safe with your colleagues interact.
Instant Messenger Output Messenger allows you to chat to categories. your files on all platforms, get and submit, with, groups or users, a video call is established, you” page of your desktop to be safe with others, to share. your daily tasks manage. the ability to send email internal use, etc. Note This see, and users and groups to easily manage.
Windows System: (Windows Vista SP2 / 7 SP1 / 8 /10 / Server 2008 SP2 / 2008 R2 SP1 / 2012 / 2012 R2 / 2016).Minimum hardware requirements: Processor – 1 GHz RAM – 1 GB Disk Space – 2 GBServer application requires .NET Framework 4.6 to be installed.
Download Output Messenger Server 2.0.23 /Client 2.0.24 x64
Download Output Messenger Server 2.0.23 /Client 2.0.24 x86
22 MB

Output Messenger 2.0.23 x86


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