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JP Software Take Command 30.00.17 x64 Multilingual

发表于 2023-6-11 23:50:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
JP Software Take Command 30.00.17 x64 Multilingual

Take Command is an interactive graphical interface and command line environment, making use of the Windows command line command to write batch files. Take Command shows the command line of your programs in multiple windows. The software includes hundreds of major enhancements to CMD commands including COPY, DEL, DIR and MOVE and the ability to add over 195 new commands, over 680 variables and built-in functions, powerful batch file editor and debugger, advanced command line editing and completion Customizable tabs, and thousands of other features. Take Command is a fully compatible Windows CMD replacement. The default processor is Windows CMD.EXE. It is a console program that executes commands you enter in the format and runs simple batch scripts (.BAT or .CMD files).
Operating System:Take Command is compatible with any 32 or 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows 7, 2008R2, Windows 8 and 2012, and Windows 10 and 2016.
Read the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
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JP Software Take Command 30.00.17 x64 Multilingual


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